Category Archives: Opinion

opinion writing

I chose solar power over hydro power because hydropower causes distrubtion to local comunities nearby. It also needs to be near a river.The  dam destroys river animals homes. A hydro power plant needs 11 parts.It needs a reservoir, a dam, a genorator, a transformer, a powerhouse, powerlines, an intake, a controll gate ,a penstock, a turbine, qnd an outflow which cost way to much. Hydro power is mostly genorated in Washington,Oregon,Idaho,California,and New York.Where solar power does not disturb neighb0rs because the panels can be placed on your roof  or your yard.


Hydropower Info

Hydropower is product by water.It cost nine cents per hour but you also need to by the turbine,powerhouse,transformer,and control gates.Also you need to build the dam to hold the water.the water behind the dam gose through a pipe to the turbine and back out the other side. The turbine spins by the force of the water and the turbine rotates the generator.the generator produces electicityand sends it to power lines bring it to homes and busnesess and other places

solar and wind

I am picking solar power over wind power because it costs less and can be used any were exept Antartca or the Artic.

Solar power is a renewable energy that uses the suns heat to make elctricity. Since it uses the suns energy, solar power does not work on cloudy days, on the other hand wind power works as long as you have wind.
Another reson I picked solar over wind power is because wind turbines are noisy but solar pannels are silent. Solar power could power the world for a year.
Solar power does not hert the environment. Wind turbines can be built on land or water, however a turbine is a 20 story building tall and a football field wide so you would need a lot of land to use it.

These are the resons I picked solar power.

Solar Power and Wind Power

I’m picking Solar power over Wind power. Solar power is made by using solar panels to convert sun heat into electricity. Wind power is made by wind turning turbines blades. Wind power is not that expensive its $0.16-$0.25 an hour. On the other hand Solar power is expensive$ 0.16-$0.25 plus solar panels. However if there’s no sun you would still have electricity because the suns heat is stored into it. On the other hand if there is no wind there is no electricity. The Solar panels last 15-30 years so you don’t need to be changing it all the time. Solar power doesn’t effect the environment but, it can burn insects. Similarly both solar and wind power can both hurt animals like birds.

Hydropower Compare

Hydropower is better than Geothermal.
Hydropower is better than Geothermal because Hydropower is product by water similarly Geothermal however Geothermal is powered by water and steam.
Geothermal gets out by geysers, hot springs and also comes out of the pipes of the power house. Also Hydropower is a renewable energy source with is good for the environment as well as Geothermal.