City Escape

One Day a man named Hennry from a solitary Jail escaped. He saw a rock on the floor he saw a window he threw the rock at the window. He was running to the forest it started to rain now he can’t go to the RV that easily because it was too foggy. Then Hennry decided to make a fire plus a shelter just in case of emergencies. So he went to get branches. Then he saw a bear and was really fast away from it. Then he saw the RV and he went inside. It was not working so well Hennry had to hotwire the car. Soon the bear was scratching the RV to get through it .After Hennry hotwired the car and escaped.
Then he found a restaurant named Dunkin Donuts. He came inside and he asked for a dozen donuts. After the man came with the donuts and Hennry threw the donuts in his face and ran away so a kid came in front of Hennry and said ‘’YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED’’
Then his solitary boss saw him eating donuts. Then they met up once again it was really dangerous so Hennry had to use the RV to escape. They spotted a car. It had police officers coming out of the car looking ashamed at the solitary boss. The police officers said ‘’ he should be in jail not solitary’’. So he needed to go to jail.
Luckily it was in a city not a desert. So it was not as bad like solitary. He thought it was easier to break out so he saw the electric fence and he also saw the rock so he decided to make a great plan. Hennry decided when he had a job to break rocks he can do his plan. When he came outside he threw rocks at the fence and it got loose then he made a stack of rocks and climes up. So he broke out ‘’that was tooo! Easy’’ exclaimed Hennry. After he saw a police car and he said ‘’I got to ride that car. Then he saw the keys in the car and laughed then he got a rock pebble and threw it at the window. Crying happened really really noisy. Then the cops came after Hennry. Out of no were Hennrys solitary boss came. Suddenly Hennry rode the police car. Then he saw a Clift Hennry got an idea he stopped the car and jumped out. BOOM every car exploded everyone died except Hennry. Then he saw his solitary boss looking a little bit injured he was walking straight to Hennry but he fell down. “Oh thank heaven” said Hennry. “Wait how do I go home” said Hennry he saw a helicopter Hennry grinned. Hennry rode it all the way to dunkin donuts and celebrated to rob the whole store. Hennry had a tummy ache. Then Hennry sleeped on the floor “still better than sleeping near a stinky guy’’ exclaimed Hennry.